Saturday, May 7, 2022 11:15 AM – 12:00 PM ET Exhibit Hall, Workshop Room 2
Exhibitor Workshop: Cell Signaling Technol.
Single-Cell Signaling: How to Capture Immune Cell Signaling Patterns with Intracellular, Phospho Flow Cytometry
- Robert MacDonald, Ph.D., Scientist, Flow Cytometry Grp.
To characterize the activation of immune cells in response to therapy, measurement of intracellular signaling using phospho-specific antibodies combined with immune phenotyping using surface markers is ideal. Owing to the unique capability of flow cytometry to measure events at a single-cell level, “Phospho Flow” allows for the identification of rare signaling events in response to immune cell modulation. However, combining extracellular and intracellular antibodies in a flow protocol can present technical challenges. This workshop will discuss how small protocol changes can impact results and provide tools enabling multiplexed experimental design combining phenotypic markers with phospho-specific intracellular targets including the use of fix and perm kits.