IMMUNOLOGY2022™ provides a wide range of sessions to support the career development of students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty.
- Attend our workshops, roundtables, and panel discussions to explore specific career topics and issues.
- Network with experienced scientists to gain insight into your own career development.
- Consult with career experts one-on-one or in small groups to learn advice specific to your own situation and goals.
Jobs Board
AAI is sponsoring a virtual Jobs Board on the IMMUNOLOGY2022™ website. The Jobs Board service is FREE to all meeting registrants and exhibitors.
Job Seekers! Review the online AAI Jobs Board to identify positions that target attendees. Reach recruiters directly; job postings will include email addresses for recruiters’ designated contacts.
Employers! Take advantage of this unparalleled opportunity to recruit from over 3,000 immunologists at all career stages! Postings will be accepted beginning February 17, 2022.

Career Development Sessions
Saturday, May 7, 2022 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Room B117–119
How to Convert Your CV into a Résumé
- Mary T. Litzinger, AAI
- Derek J. Haseltine, Hertz Fndn.
For anyone seeking a job outside of academe, how you present yourself on paper is critical. A well-prepared résumé can make all the difference in securing that interview. This session will focus on the important elements of a professional résumé, the differences between a résumé and the standard academic curriculum vitae, and the information needed to make a good impression. Small breakout sessions for individual consulting will follow. Bring your CV!
Saturday, May 7, 2022 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Room B117–119
Immunology Teaching Interest Group: Enhancing Your Immunology Teaching
Sponsored by the AAI Education Committee
- William H. Carr, Medgar Evers Col., CUNY
- Michelle Snyder, Towson Univ.
- Sarah B. Redmond, Radford Univ., To lab or not to lab, that is the question
- John K. Cusick, California Northstate Univ., Improving the effectiveness of combining PowerPoint presentations and review games
- Keri Csencsits-Smith, Saba Univ. Sch. of Med., Dutch Caribbean, The zombie pirate invasion: an introduction to immunology concepts
- Tatiana Barichello, Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Houston, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach as a tool to teach immunology
Breakout Session Leaders
- Louis B. Justement, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham, Rebekah T. Taylor, Frostburg State Univ., and Sumali Pandey, Minnesota State Univ., Moorhead, Incorporating immunology into the undergraduate curriculum to promote interdisciplinary science education
- Kara R. Lukin, Western Governors Univ., Univ. of Colorado, Leveraging Flipgrid to drive social belonging and more durable learning in immunology courses
- Holly Turula, Western Michigan Univ. Homer Stryker MD Sch. of Med., and Timothy Bauler, Western Michigan Univ. Homer Stryker MD Sch. of Med., Using team-based learning to solidify immunology concepts
Are you looking for new ideas to enliven and improve your teaching? If so, please join us for this special interest group, which will focus on strategies that instructors can use to successfully convey immunology concepts to students at the undergraduate and graduate level. The session will explore teaching techniques through talks and structured breakout discussion groups. Current educators, new faculty, and trainees with an interest in teaching are welcome.
Saturday, May 7, 2022 12:00 PM – 2:15 PM Portland Ballroom 251
Careers Roundtables and Speed Networking Session
Sponsored by the AAI Minority Affairs Committee
- Tonya J. Webb, Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Med., AAI Minority Affairs Committee Chair
Networking skills have never been more crucial to ensure success for early/mid-career scientists, including those traditionally under-represented in biomedical research. At the session, take advantage of the opportunity to meet in small-group format with accomplished, senior immunologists and others to hear how they have handled the career challenges you now face and learn what they believe will work for you today. Then, practice networking in a relaxed environment offering a structured networking exercise and personalized feedback on communicating your scientific interests/objectives most effectively. Scientists and trainees of all backgrounds are encouraged to attend!
Registration Fee: $30 (Includes lunch)
Discussion Topics and Table Leaders
Grad Student: Finding a Mentor, Setting Sights on Postdoc Training
- Curtis J. Henry, Emory Univ. Sch. of Med.
- Gianna E. Hammer, Duke Univ. Sch. of Med.
- Beth Jirón Tamburini, Univ. of Colorado Sch. of Med.
Navigating Challenges Unique to International Graduate Students NEW!
- Craig Maynard, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham
- Amal Amer, The Ohio State Univ.
Postdoc: Finding a Mentor, Setting Sights on a Faculty Position
- Claudia Jakubzick, Dartmouth Col.
- De’Broski R. Herbert, Univ. of Pennsylvania Sch. of Vet. Med.
- C. Henrique Serezani, Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr.
- Charlotte M. Vines, Univ. of Texas, El Paso
- Jose Conejo-Garcia, Moffitt Cancer Ctr.
Junior Faculty: Preparing for Promotion and Tenure
- Harlan P. Jones, Univ. of North Texas
- Robert J. Binder, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Maintaining Research Productivity at a Primarily Undergraduate Teaching institution NEW!
- Michael M. Opata, Appalachian State Univ.
Academia or Industry: How to Decide (or Switch Sides)
- Isharat Yusuf, Gossamer Bio
- Jonathan Deane, Kumquat Biosci.
- Louis Gonzalez, Shattuck Labs
- Aliyah Weinstein, Taconic Biosci.
- Kiyomi Komori, Arena/Pfizer
Government Agency Careers
- Marta Catalfamo, Georgetown Univ.
- Swinburne Augustine, Envrn. Protection Agcy.
Non-Bench Research Science Careers: Entrepreneurship
- Tonya J. Webb, Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Med; WebbCures, IMMUNE 3D, and Screen Therapeut.
- Eduardo Davila, Univ. of Colorado Sch. of Med.
Non-Bench Research Science Careers: Nonprofits/Foundations
- Derek Haseltine, Hertz Fndn.
- Thandi Onami, Gates Fndn.
Non-Bench Research Science Careers: Research Technology
- Robert Balderas, BD Biosci.
Non-Bench Research Science Careers: Science Policy
- Lauren Gross, AAI
- Yvette Seger, FASEB
Non-Bench Research Science Careers: Scientific Publishing
- Nicole Beauchamp, AAI
Saturday, May 7, 2022 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Room A105–106
Careers in Biotech: Panel Discussion and Networking
Sponsored by the AAI Education Committee
- H. Kiyomi Komori, Arena Pharma./Pfizer
- Richard Boismenu, Independent Consultant
- Yi Ting Koh, Senior Director, Immunology Discovery, Eli Lilly and Co.
- Joseph Kuo, Research Scientist, Arena Pharma./Pfizer
- Erica L. Stone, Vice President, Oncology, GigaGen
Many opportunities exist in industry for scientists with advanced degrees. There are positions in laboratory research, program management, business development, regulatory affairs, clinical trials oversight, medical liaison, and more. This panel features scientists employed in a variety of positions in industry discussing their career paths and the skills required for success in each. Following the panel discussion, enjoy casual conversation with the speakers and other scientists from industry at a networking reception.
Sunday, May 8, 2022 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM Room B117–119
Interviewing for a Job
- Mary T. Litzinger, AAI
- Derek J. Haseltine, Hertz Fndn.
This session will focus on tips and techniques to help you successfully navigate the interview process. Emphasis will be on how to present yourself in the best possible light. You will also learn how to respond to unexpected questions. This session is open to anyone but is especially intended for student and postdoctoral attendees.
Sunday, May 8, 2022 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM Room A107–109
NIH Grants Workshop: Demystifying the Grant Application Submission, Review, and Funding Processes
- Deborah L. Hodge, NIAID, NIH
- Joseph J. Breen, NIAID, NIH
- Deborah L. Hodge, NIAID, NIH
- Michelle M. Arnold, CSR, NIH
- Audrey Lau, CSR, NIH
This workshop will provide participants with an overview of NIH grant submission, assignment, review, and funding opportunities. Emphasis will be given to identification of the most appropriate funding agencies and mechanisms available through NIH, how to make an application “reviewer friendly,” and other strategies that contribute to applications that succeed in obtaining research funding.
The workshop will also provide information on how to understand the peer review system, which is essential to competing successfully for funding, with a focus on recent changes to the review process. NIH review and program staff will provide a broad array of expertise and encourage questions from seminar participants. This workshop is open to anyone interested in learning more about preparing an NIH grant application and obtaining NIH funding. Trainees and independent investigators are welcome.
Sunday, May 8, 2022 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM Portland Ballroom 251
Careers in Science Lecture and Roundtables
Sponsored by the AAI Education Committee and AAI Committee on the Status of Women
Generously supported by 10x Genomics
- Laura A. Solt, Scripps Res., AAI Committee on the Status of Women Chair
- Gwendalyn J. Randolph, Washington Univ. Sch. of Med. in St. Louis, Becoming a confident scientist and embracing your authentic self
At this popular session, attendees will have the opportunity to meet with experienced scientists to explore specific career issues important to today's scientists. Gain insights into issues you are confronting in your own career. Topics include international opportunities in science, succeeding in graduate school, tips on grant writing, considerations for scientists in M.D.-Ph.D. careers, and exciting careers beyond the bench. Topics include building productive mentor/mentee relationships; overcoming self-doubt; and tackling gender biases in recruitment, research, and leadership; and navigating work/life issues, such as balancing careers with family and transitioning from specific career stages, which may be relevant to any work environment (academic research, biotech industry, governmental agencies, non-profit). Don’t miss this great opportunity!
Discussion Topics and Table Leaders
New PI (mentoring effectively, recruiting students and postdocs, preparing for promotion, early career self-promotion)
- Irene Salinas, Univ. of New Mexico, and Qi Yang, Rutgers Univ.
- Robin Stephens, Univ. of Texas Med. Br., and Isabella Rauch, Oregon Hlth. Sci. Univ.
Succeeding in Graduate School
- Laura Solt, Scripps Res., and Maureen McGargill, St. Jude Children's Res. Hosp.
Graduate Student to Postdoc
- Daniel Abate-Daga, Moffitt Cancer Ctr., and Mireia Guerau-de-Arellano, The Ohio State Univ. Col. of Med.
- Juliet Morrison, Univ. of California, Riverside, and Natalie Steinel, Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell
Postdoc to PI
- Angela Rasmussen, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada, and Jose Guevara, Moffit Cancer Ctr.
- Gianna Hammer, Duke Univ. Sch. of Med., and Lisa Denzin, Rutgers Univ.
Work/Life Balance
- Shari Pilon-Thomas, Moffit Cancer Ctr., and Laura Santambrogio, Englander Inst. of Precision Med. and Weill Cornell Med.
Building Networking Skills
- Yina Huang, Geisel Sch. of Med. at Dartmouth, and Jennifer Grier, Univ. of South Carolina Sch. or Med., Greenville
Biotech and Industry
- Rea Dabelic, 10x Genomics, and Sadiye Rieder, Horizon Therapeut.
- Kiyomi Komori, Arena Pharma., and Agata Bartczak, Horizon Therapeut.
- Yue Liu, Ab Studio, and Louis Gonzalez, Shattuck Labs
- Shaoquan Ji, BioTimes, and Karsten Sauer, Repertoire Immune Medicines
- Aliyah Weinstein, Taconic, and Christie Mortales, Neoleukin Therapeut.
- Seng-Lai (Thomas) Tan, Immunitas Therapeut., and Yibing Wang, BeiGene (Shanghai) Res.
- Dwight Morrow, Rubius Therapeut., and Bo Lin, Nexcelom Biosci.
Embracing Your Authentic Self and Becoming a Confident Scientist
- Gwen Randolph, Washington Univ. Sch. of Med. in St. Louis, and Sarah Gaffen, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Tackling Gender Biases in Recruitment, Research, and Leadership
- Dorina Avram, Moffitt Cancer Ctr., and Marion Pepper, Univ. of Washington
Careers in Government Agencies
- Swinburne Augustine, Envrn. Protection Agcy., and Michelle Robillard, Envrn. Protection Agcy.
Scientific Publishing
- Jose Conejo-Garcia, Moffitt Cancer Ctr., and Courtney Malo, Sci. Translational Med.
Opportunities for Scientists in Non-profits/Foundations
- E’Lissa Flores, Hlth. and Envrn.Sci. Inst.
Careers in Science Policy
- Lauren Gross, AAI
Grant Writing for PIs
- Meera Nair, Univ. of California, Riverside, and Jie Sun, Univ. of Virginia Sch. of Med.
Grant Writing: Fellowships
- Paulo Rodriguez, Moffit Cancer Ctr., and Melissa Brown, Northwestern Univ. Feinberg Sch. of Med.
Research from M.D.-Ph.D. Perspective / The Physician Scientist
- Maureen Su, Univ. of California, Los Angeles
Careers in Veterinary Immunology
- Mercedes Gonzalez-Juarrero, Colorado State Univ. Col. of Vet. Med. and Biomed. Sci,and Brina Lopez, Midwestern Univ.
International Opportunities
- Weishan Huang, Louisiana State Univ. Sch. of Vet. Med., and Henrique Borges da Silva, Mayo Clin.
- Damian Maseda, Univ. of Pennsylvania, and Jacques Robert, Univ. of Rochester Med. Ctrr.
Building Productive Mentor/Mentee Relationships
- Virginia Shapiro, Mayo Clin., and Edith Porter, California State Univ., Los Angeles
Balancing Teaching Responsibilities with Research NEW!
- Julie Jameson, California State Univ., San Marcos, and Michelle Swanson-Mungerson, Midwestern Univ.
How to Negotiate for Better Self-promotion
- Keke Fairfax, Univ. of Utah Sch. of Med., and Henrique Serezani, Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr.
Monday, May 9, 2022 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Room B117–119
Chalking Up Success: The All-Important Chalk Talk and Preparing for a Faculty Interview
- Leslie J. Berg, Univ. of Colorado Sch. of Med.
- Bethany B. Moore, Univ. of Michigan
- Bethany B. Moore, Univ. of Michigan
- Adam H. Courtney, Univ. of Michigan
- Jenna Guthmiller, Univ. of Colorado Sch. of Med.
- Brina S. Lopez, Midwestern Univ.
This session will focus on strategies to help you successfully navigate the faculty application process. You will learn how to develop your teaching and research statements, tailor your application to the position, and prepare for an interview and chalk talk. A panel of early career faculty will also present their recent application experiences and advice for success. This session is open to anyone but is especially intended for student and postdoctoral attendees.
Monday, May 9, 2022 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM Room B117–119
How to Have a Successful Postdoctoral Experience
- Mary T. Litzinger, AAI
- Sofie R. Kleppner, Stanford Univ.
A postdoctoral fellowship is the time to develop research skills you will need to succeed as an independent scientist. It is also an important opportunity to prepare for a career path at the same time. This session will highlight ways of getting the most out of your postdoctoral fellowship, how to successfully relate with your mentor, and how to use the resources available to you to ensure that your training prepares you adequately for a seamless transition into the next phase of your career.