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Join us in Portland, Oregon, for the leading annual all-immunology event worldwide!
- Explore the latest developments in your field.
- Attend lectures by the world’s most prominent scientists.
- Speak with poster authors presenting their cutting-edge data.
- Network with colleagues from around the world.
There has never been a more important time for the immunology community to gather and share the leading science for which our meetings and members are known!
President’s Program
Generously supported by 10x Genomics
Friday, May 6, 5:00 PM
Portland Ballroom 252–255
Immunology: Building on the Past to Meet the Moment
Presentation of AAI Lifetime Achievement Award to the 2022 honoree, Arlene H. Sharpe,
and recognition of the Distinguished Fellows of AAI Class of 2022 prior to President’s Address

Gary A. Koretzky
Cornell Univ. and Weill Cornell Med.
AAI President (2021–2022)
Arthur Weiss
HHMI, Univ. of California, San Francisco
Generously supported by GSK
Monday, May 9, 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Portland Ballroom 252–255
From Fundamental Investigation to Revolutions in Health Care:
Stories of Immunological Discovery
Presentation of AAI Excellence in Mentoring Award to the 2022 honoree,
Ruslan Medzhitov, prior to President’s Symposium

Arthur Weiss
HHMI, Univ. of California, San Francisco
Early efforts to understand how the oligomeric T cell antigen receptor signals led to simplicity and complexity

Carl H. June
Univ. of Pennsylvania Perelman Sch. of Med.
Engineering the immune system as a new tool for cancer therapy

M. Virginia Pascual
Weill Cornell Med., Drukier Inst. for Children’s Hlth.
A roadmap to personalized therapies for autoimmune diseases

Raphaela T. Goldbach-Mansky
Autoinflammatory diseases in children
Distinguished Lectures
Neoantigens as probes and targets of immune responses to cancer
Saturday, May 7, 6:00 PM
Portland Ballroom 252–255

Robert D. Schreiber
Washington Univ. Sch. of Med. in St. Louis
Regulation, initiation, and resolution of inflammation
Sunday, May 8, 6:00 PM
Portland Ballroom 252–255

Katherine A. Fitzgerald
Univ. of Massachusetts Chan Med. Sch.
Control of tissue immunity and repair by the microbiota
Monday, May 9, 6:00 PM
Portland Ballroom 252–255

Yasmine Belkaid
Special Session
NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing:
Are you Ready?
Sunday, May 8, 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM
Room B117–118

Taunton Paine
Director, Sci. Data Sharing Policy Div.,
Office of Sci. Policy, NIH
The NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing: explanation of the policy and the benefit to the research

Yvette Seger
Director of Sci. Policy, Fed. of the American Soc.
for Exptl. Biol. (FASEB)
FASEB DataWorks! A new initiative to support
data sharing and re-use
Career Awards
AAI Lifetime Achievement Award
Friday, May 6, 5:00 PM
Portland Ballroom 252–255

Arlene H. Sharpe
Harvard Med. Sch.
Presented prior to the President’s Address
AAI Distinguished Service Award
Saturday, May 7, 1:00 PM
Room B110–112

Ross Kedl
Univ. of Colorado Sch. of Med
Presented at the Business Meeting
AAI Distinguished Service Award
Saturday, May 7, 1:00 PM
Room B110–112

Edith M. Lord
Univ. of Rochester Sch. of Med. and Dent.
Presented at the Business Meeting
AAI Vanguard
Monday, May 9, 11:15 AM
Portland Ballroom 252–255

Cherié L. Butts
Concept to approved drug: why immunologists are critical when developing new medicines
AAI-Steinman Award for Human Immunology Research
Monday, May 9, 4:30 PM
Portland Ballroom 252–255

Jeffrey A. Bluestone
Univ. of California, San Francisco, and Sonoma Biotherapeutics
Immune tolerance: the long road to finding the holy grail
AAI-Thermo Fisher
Career Award
Sunday, May 8, 6:00 PM
Portland Ballroom 252–255

Katherine A. Fitzgerald
Univ. of Massachusetts Chan Med. Sch.
Regulation, initiation, and resolution of inflammation
AAI-BioLegend Herzenberg Award
Sunday, May 8, 4:30 PM
Portland Ballroom 252–255

Christopher C. Goodnow
Garvan Inst. of Med. Res., Australia
Autoantibody control: a conceptual journey from B cell functional silencing to immune tolerance checkpoints
AAI-BD Biosciences Investigator Award
Saturday, May 7, 4:30 PM
Portland Ballroom 252–255

Andrea Schietinger
Mem. Sloan Kettering Cancer Ctr.
T cell differentiation and fate choice in cancer and autoimmunity
AAI Excellence in Mentoring Award
Monday, May 9, 12:30 PM
Portland Ballroom 252–255

Ruslan Medzhitov
HHMI, Yale Univ. Sch. of Med.
Presented prior to the President’s Symposium
Important Dates
submissions closed
Career Awards
applications closed
Travel Awards
applications closed
Hotel Reservations
discounted reservations closed
Meeting Registration
Adv. Registration Opens
Mar. 30, 2022
Adv. Registration Ends
May 5, 2022
On-Site Registration Opens
May 6, 2022
Mobile App
Available for Download
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