Sunday, May 8, 2022 11:15 AM – 12:00 PM ET Exhibit Hall, Workshop Room 2
Exhibitor Workshop: Akadeum Life Sci.
Buoyancy-Activated Cell Sorting Enables More Efficient Leukopak Processing and High-Quality Cell Isolation
- Jon Roussey, Ph.D., Associate Director of R&D
- Ichwaku Rastogi, Res. Asst., Univ. of Wisconsin
Buoyancy Activated Cell Sorting (BACS™) Microbubbles from Akadeum Life Sciences offers a gentle and effective flotation-based cell isolation platform that is unbound from the constraints of magnets and columns. At this workshop, we will present two examples of the advantages that BACS have over conventional cell isolation methods. First, we will demonstrate how microbubbles eliminate volume limitations and pre-processing steps for the isolation of T cells from leukopaks. Then, University of Wisconsin researcher Ichwaku Rastogi will discuss how microbubble-based isolation of B cells enabled recent findings identifying B cells as primary APCs following passive uptake of plasmid DNA. I.Rastogi receives research grants, salary support, or in-kind support from Akadeum Life Sciences.