Friday, May 6, 2022 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET Oregon Ballroom 202
Memory T Cell Differentiation, Function, and Maintenance
- Nathan Schuldt, Univ. of Minnesota Med. Sch.
- Yina Huang, Geisel Sch. of Med., Dartmouth Col.
- Terran D. Stenger, Univ. of Minnesota Med. Sch., Normal microbial experiences accelerate memory T cell compartment maturation in infants
- Verena van der Heide, Icahn Sch. of Med. at Mount Sinai, Helpless CD8 T cell memory explained: prolonged antigen presentation drives a temporal rather than terminal defect
- Taylor Heim, New York Univ. Langone Med. Ctr., CXCR6 is required for tissue resident memory T cell formation across diverse peripheral non-lymphoid tissues
- Asmaa Mohamed, Geisel Sch. of Med., Dartmouth Col., Dendritic cells instruct differentiation of tissue resident memory T cells in the skin to promote durable tumor immunity
- Henrique Borges da Silva, Mayo Clin., Cell-intrinsic expression of the hemichannel Pannexin-1 promotes effector and memory CD8+ T cells via distinct metabolic pathways
- Daniel P. Caron, Columbia Univ. Med. Ctr., Human T cells in barrier sites exhibit site-specific characteristics and clonal compartmentalization
- James R. Rose, Emory Univ. Sch. of Med., Epigenome accessibility changes before and after activation reveal distinct and progressive differentiation for human memory T cell subsets